Hello one and all!
Since our smashing success at Carnegie Hall (with the help of 115 other singers!) we are back again. We took a break for the Fall of 2023 due to sheer exhaustion from New York. Well we did provide “vocal support” for the W.R.A.P.S. production of Shaken Not Stirred: A James Bond Pantomime, and a number of us were actually in it.
That done, we are going to do a concert with Dimiter Terziev. He will be performing a solo piano recital featuring masterpieces by J. Haydn, J. Brahms, A. Scriabin and L. Boulanger, each composer representing a different country and generation of European composers.
Here is a video sample of Dimiter’s concert
Sage Sound Singers will help out by performing three of our own pieces prior to the main event of Dimiter playing. We will also help him out with a choir chorus within one of his pieces. We are SO excited Dimiter asked us to do this!
The concert is on February 10th at St. Alban’s Hall in Ashcroft, BC with Dimiter also performing his Generations concert in Kamloops on February 17th.
Our tentative plan for Fall of 2024 is a our annual Christmas Concert. The format will be a surprise to all!